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Free Meditations


During the last lockdown my way of gifting was to hold group light language meditations for the community. Each morning I would go live on Zoom and share a 20-30 minute channeled light language meditation. These became a lifesaver for many during the lonely lockdown days and attracted a regular live online group. Each day I posted the recordings on YouTube and Instagram  for others to receive as well. ​


In these intense energies on the planet you may feel heightened anxiety, stress, fear or grief.  You are not only feeling what is inside you to clear but also tapping into the collective energies of so many others feeling these emotions too. 

To assist with this here is a Clearing Prayer for you. 

Repeat this prayer for however long it takes for the feelings to lift off you - this could be 5 minutes or it could be half an hour but it is well worth it. 

Begin by finding a quiet space and softening into your breath

Imagine a beautiful soft light surrounding you in any colour that comes



I clear all energies and entities that do not serve me

Into the light they go to be transmuted into love

By my guides (can name if you wish) and loved ones in spirit

I ask that these energies and entities are held and worked on in love

Until such time as they are safe to be released

I release all hooks that do not belong to me and send them home with love

I call all my hooks home with love

May my energy be free from interference and may I be held in a gossamer blanket of healing 

And so it is


Below are some recorded meditations from my YouTube channel for you to enjoy or head to my Youtube channel for many more.


May 24 2022


THE NEGATIVE FREQUENCY AND FEAR CLEARING MEDITATION: This one is intense. The attack out there is next level at the moment....not your typical entity clearing, we are now being targeted by a hive mind type of substance which is much harder to clear and many may be struggling at night time with fear, nightmares, sweats or other symptoms. You may be finding yourself deep in fear during the day even without knowing why or feeling super reactive. If so this very intense set of frequencies will sort you out - a total shake up of the pineal gland, brain and energy fields. You are being called to remember who you really are now and why you came here xxx

Sep 2nd, 2021


This Light Language Meditation is energy surgery. It is a gift from the galactics and was brought through to clear your energy field of fear, anxiety and faulty codes. Sit quietly and listen to this when you are feeling extremely out of balance and allow the coding and frequency work

Sep 1st, 2021


Receive a right hemisphere upgrade in this guided meditation and a rebalancing of the divine masculine and the divine feminine. Hold your energy strong in the face of chaos. Just rest and absorb.

Aug 31st, 2021


In this very deep meditation, we are taken to our tribal guides and brought home to our core resilience and strength - find a comfortable spot and just relax and infuse...

Aug 30th, 2021


In this meditation you are brought into the dreamtime where you are able to access your higher self and the spirit walkers who are assisting you right now at this time on the planet. Find a warm, comfortable spot to relax and absorb the codes and language to activate your akashic.

Feeling called to give back?
Make a donation below

Head to the YouTube Channel for my most recent meditations


Aug 28th, 2021


Walk into your true authentic self with this guided meditation to help break down the guards and masks we use when communicating with the outside world. Tap into your true energy source.

Aug 10, 2022


The Thank you and Heart Meditation: Today you are taken into your heart - the cornerstone of all messages in your body. You are brought into gratitude and healing and shown how to power this out to the world and raise your vibration xxx

July 4 2022


In this gentle light language meditation you are reminded of the light you bring to the world and also yourself. You are lifted with language into your light body and brought back to your earth mission. So much love for those doing the work - keep shining xxx

June 7 2022


The healing and releasing meditation: Do you feel like you are falling backwards into old self sabotaging patterns and behaviours? Don't worry these are simply deeper layers of old programs within the dna and cellular memory rising up to be released. Transform and let go in this guided light language meditation xxx

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